Queen’s University Gift of Art

Scope: to design a campaign to generate participation in a virtual event, and to have the audience engage as further announcements were released — surrounding the announcement of multiple arts related donations to Queen’s, including the largest cash donation in it’s history.

Deliverables: Globe and Mail newspaper weekend full page cover ad; event graphics including email, zoom, social media and the Alumni website.

Social media graphicsAbove is a sampling from the various social media graphics created for the campaign posts, for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.

Social media graphics

Above is a sampling from the various social media graphics created for the campaign posts, for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.

Virtual event announcement social media graphic

Virtual event announcement social media graphic

Virtual event announcement email graphic

Virtual event announcement email graphic

Ad Design — Globe and Mail full page cover ad

Ad Design — Globe and Mail full page cover ad


Ontario Ministry of Resarch & Innovation